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"Kick out the freeloaders and give your gut the ultimate spring clean with our 5-step parasite cleanse!"

Are you tired of feeling weighed down by unwanted intestinal parasites? It's time to take control of your gut health and bid farewell to those pesky invaders once and for all! Our five-step cleanse combo is here to help you kick those parasites to the curb and restore balance to your digestive system.

As functional medicine practitioner Dr. Will Cole reminds us, "The gut is where health starts and disease begins." That's why our expertly curated product and supplement recommendations not only target parasites but also promote optimal gut health, so you can feel your best from the inside out.

Say goodbye to digestive discomfort and hello to a happier, healthier gut with our secret weapon against parasites. My five-step cleanse combo will help you clear the path, repair the damage, and rebalance your gut for optimal digestive function.

It's time to take charge of your gut health and show those parasites who's boss. Let's work together to fight back and start your journey towards optimal gut health today!

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Our Annual Holiday Sale

20 Gut Healing eBooks

Bundle for only $9.99

$18.16 Regular Price

$9.99 Sale Price

The Gastritis Healing Book
The Gluten Free Nutrition Guide
Top 26 Supermarket Foods
Top 10 Healing Teas
Heal your gut with Essential Oils
The Power of the Microbiome
How to Cure Candida - Mini Anti Candida Diet Cookbook
Understanding EPI - Patient Education
12 Week Candida Program Manual

Plant-based Power Recipes
Cancer Fighting Recipes
Top 5 biomarkers for longevity
26 Autoimmune Health Tips

Vegan Recipe Book
Exploring Yin Yoga
Ubiquinol Quick Heart Friendly Dinners

​SIBO Cookbook
Acid Reflux Book
Managing IBS SIBO - 60 Day Protocol
10 Healing Foods from the Bible

Unmasking the Unthinkable: A Look at the Horrifying Reality of Parasites in Your Toilet"

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It never fails to astound me just how many people reach out to me in a state of absolute terror after discovering strange, unspeakable objects lurking in the depths of their toilet bowls. These unidentified entities could be any number of things, but more often than not, they turn out to be parasites. These revolting creatures, with their slimy, wriggling forms, are enough to send shivers down anyone's spine, and the mere thought of hosting them inside one's own body is enough to make the bravest of souls tremble.

What makes these parasites all the more insidious is their ability to evade detection. Some of these microscopic monsters can be so minuscule that they remain undetected for years, coiled up inside your digestive tract, biding their time until they make their grand debut in your toilet bowl. It's like something out of a nightmare, with these grotesque beings lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike. Even the larger parasites can be difficult to detect, often requiring an extensive investigation to locate. But make no mistake, these creatures are there, writhing and wriggling inside you, their insidious presence felt in every fiber of your being.

Parasites come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and some of them are quite grotesque. For instance,


  1. Liver flukes can live inside a person for up to 24 years and come in a range of appearances. Older liver flukes can look like crumpled apple or tomato skins, while younger ones resemble little slugs or pieces of mushrooms. In some cases, they may even look like tiny blueberries with antenna-like structures protruding from them. Blood flukes, on the other hand, are so small that they are invisible to the naked eye.

  2. Other parasites, like roundworms, can be quite dramatic to pass. These long, skinny creatures can range from 4-24 inches in length and are typically tan, brown, or nude in color. They often break apart as they come out, leaving individuals with a somewhat disturbing experience. Passing these parasites whole is more common during an organic coffee enema, which may sound like an unusual process to some.

  3. Tapeworms are another type of parasite that can be particularly unnerving to discover. These flat, ridge-filled creatures can grow multiple feet long and may come out in pieces as individuals pass them in their stool. Pinworms are smaller, white-colored parasites that can resemble little sticks or twigs as they exit the body.

  4. Then there are rope worms, which are not technically parasites, but are still quite alarming to come across. These worm-like substances are composed of biofilm, mucoid plaque, and other die-off that have formed into a rope-like shape. They can branch out in every direction and may even have leg-like attachments, making them look like a cross between a parasite and a sci-fi monster.

  5. Whipworms, meanwhile, are thicker at the top and taper off into a skinny tail that curls up like a whip. They can be anywhere from 2-24 inches long and are just as disturbing to pass as any other parasite.

Of course, not everything that comes out in the toilet is a parasite. Other substances, like candida die-off, biofilm, and mucoid plaque, may also be present. These materials can be slimy, mucous-like, or cloudy in appearance, and are typically a sign that the body is detoxing and getting rid of unwanted toxins. Parasite eggs are also often too small to see, but may appear as small, seed-like objects that are black, brown, tan, or yellowish in color.

If you're ever unsure about what you've found in your toilet, there are a few things you can do to differentiate between parasites and other substances. Parasites tend to be firm in texture, while other materials are more jelly-like. With this in mind, it's important to pay close attention to what you're seeing and seek medical advice if you have any concerns.

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"Overcoming Intestinal Parasites: My Journey from Darkness to Victory"

The Dark Abyss: A Personal Journey Through the Depths of parasites

Are you plagued by persistent gut issues that seem to have no apparent cause? Are you struggling to find relief from the constant discomfort and bloating that have taken over your life? If so, you may be one of the millions of people around the world who are suffering from intestinal parasites. 

My gut was haunted by the unseen presence of intestinal parasites, but I refused to let them define me. Like many others, I too was a victim of these insidious parasites that had taken residence within my gut. Their presence was all but invisible, yet their impact on my life was devastating. I suffered from chronic fatigue, bloating, and stomach pain, with no apparent relief in sight. After numerous doctor visits and tests, I finally discovered the truth: I had been living with intestinal parasites for years. With the help of my healthcare provider, I developed a comprehensive plan to unmask and defeat these parasites. This included a combination of natural supplements, dietary changes, and lifestyle adjustments. It wasn't an easy journey, but I refused to give up. I persevered with my strategy, and eventually, the parasites retreated. Today, I am proud to say that I am parasite-free and enjoying a happier, healthier gut. My journey serves as a testament to the power of determination, perseverance, and the right strategy. If you too are struggling with intestinal parasites, don't give up hope. With the right mindset and tools, victory is possible, and a happier, healthier life is within reach.


As someone who has personally battled with the tormenting effects of the intestinal parasites, I know firsthand the dark abyss that comes with such a condition. But with the right tools and an all-natural approach, victory over these insidious parasites is possible.

Join me in unmasking the clandestine foe that has been wreaking havoc in your gut and take the first step towards reclaiming your health. With our expertly curated product and supplement recommendations, you can emerge victorious and rediscover the joy of living a healthy, happy life.

Top research studies for parasite cleanse (2015 - 2023)


The studies presented in this data set offer promising solutions to the eradication of various types of parasites and worms. The supplements tested include Black Seed oil, Black Walnut, Wormwood, Papaya seeds, Pomegranate peel extract, Grapefruit seed extract, and Clove extract. These studies show eradication rates ranging from 32.10% to 88.90% for specific parasites and worms such as Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, Cryptosporidium parvum, Roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides), Blastocystis hominis, Tapeworm (Hymenolepis nana), and Hookworm.

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The largest study in this dataset included 200 participants and tested the effectiveness of Wormwood extract on Giardia lamblia, resulting in a 62.00% eradication rate. The smallest study included 23 participants and tested the effectiveness of Pomegranate peel extract on Cryptosporidium parvum, resulting in a 73.90% eradication rate.


These studies have shown that supplements such as Black Seed Oil, Black Walnut, Wormwood, and Papaya Seeds have an eradication rate of up to 88.90% for parasites such as Giardia lamblia and Entamoeba histolytica. Wormwood extract has also proven to be effective in treating Roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides) with a 71% eradication rate. Black Walnut has been shown to have a 70% eradication rate for Giardia lamblia.

Supplements such as Pomegranate Peel Extract and Grapefruit Seed Extract have been shown to have an eradication rate of up to 73.90% for Cryptosporidium parvum and 66.70% for Blastocystis hominis respectively. Clove extract has also been effective in treating Blastocystis hominis, with an eradication rate of up to 57.50%.


These findings are crucial in identifying effective natural remedies for parasitic infections. It is important to note that before starting any treatment, consulting with a healthcare provider is recommended. With this data, healthcare providers can make informed decisions regarding the best course of treatment for their patients.


"To Cleanse or Not to Cleanse" - Out with the Bad, In with the Good: Clearing the Path to a Healthier Gut

1. Step 1: Kill Phase - Removing the Overgrowth of Parasites

The first step in the parasite cleanse is to kill off the overgrowth of parasites using natural anti-parasitic compounds. You can choose to use a parasite cleanse supplement like Paracomplete, which contains thyme leaf, berberine sulfate, oregano, grapefruit seed extract, and uva ursi leaf. Alternatively, you can create your own parasite cleanse concoction using supplements like black walnut, wormwood, olive leaf, and garlic.

To get the best results, take these supplements for about two weeks, take a week off, and then continue for another two weeks. It's important to follow this protocol and stick to the timing for the best results. Here are some of the best herbal supplements for a parasite cleanse:

  • Black walnut (250 milligrams 3x daily) - Has been used historically for the treatment of parasites.

  • Wormwood (200 milligrams 3x daily) - Known for its anti-parasitic properties.

  • Oregano oil (500 milligrams 4x daily) - Has antibacterial and anti-parasitic effects.

  • Grapefruit seed extract (take as directed) - Shown to have antimicrobial properties against a wide range of organisms.

  • Clove oil (500 milligrams 4x daily or 4 cups of tea) - Contains eugenol, a compound that helps kill harmful organisms.

  • Probiotics (1 or 2 capsules daily) - Repopulate the gut with microbes that support digestive health.

Other supplements that may be helpful include anise, barberry, berberine, mint, and goldthread. Take these supplements for two weeks, take a week off, and then continue for another two weeks.

2. Step 2: Facilitating the Cleanse - Colonics

To facilitate the cleanse, you need to prevent constipation and encourage regular bowel movements to flush out the parasites and worms. Colonics can help improve gastrointestinal health and support the parasite cleanse. Experts recommend doing two to three colon cleanses once a week for three weeks. Additionally, you can take prokinetic supplements or medications that help stimulate the movement of the digestive system.


3. Step 3: Following an Anti-Parasite Diet (in parallel with step 1 and 2 and 4)

An anti-parasite diet is essential to kill harmful organisms in your digestive system. This type of cleanse involves following a diet that is free of all sugar and grains, which is similar to a Paleo diet. You should also limit or avoid fruit intake and opt for coconut milk, chia seeds, and protein powder instead. Garlic and onions, oregano, ginger, and probiotic-rich foods such as kefir, sauerkraut, and yogurt are excellent for fighting parasites. Foods to avoid during the cleanse include added sugar, processed foods, alcohol, wheat, and pork.


A parasite cleanse diet helps kill harmful organisms in your digestive system by fighting bad bacteria and fungus that these parasites live off of. This type of cleanse involves following a diet that is free of all sugar and all grains, which is similar to a Paleo diet.

You should limit or avoid fruit intake and opt for a coconut smoothie with coconut milk, chia seeds, and protein powder instead of a berry smoothie. For lunch, have a big salad, and for dinner, prepare organic meat and double the vegetables, staying away from any form of grains or sugar, including fruit.

Other foods that can be very healing when fighting harmful organisms in your GI system are pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil. They contain certain antioxidants and protective compounds that can paralyze worms and make it difficult for them to survive in the intestinal walls. You can eat up to one cup of pumpkin seeds a day, or make pumpkin seed butter by blending them with pumpkin seed oil.

Here are some other top anti-parasite foods:

  • Garlic and onions - These vegetables have anti-parasitic effects due to their sulfur compounds and antioxidants that can destroy pathogenic organisms.

  • Herbs - Oregano and ginger have antibacterial and antiparasitic effects because they help increase the production of stomach acid, which can kill parasites and prevent infections.

  • Pineapple, papaya, and their juices - These fruits contain compounds that can help decrease the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines that can result in colon inflammation. As part of a juice cleanse, their juices can also have anti-parasitic effects.

  • Coconut oil - It has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.

  • Probiotic-rich foods - Consuming high probiotic foods like kefir, sauerkraut, and yogurt can keep parasites in check and improve the health of the gut.

  • Apple cider vinegar - It helps restore healthy pH balance and can generally improve digestion.

  • Other fresh vegetables - They are rich sources of protective compounds that help nourish the gut and provide fiber, which encourages regular bowel movements.

Foods to avoid during a parasite cleanse include added sugar, processed foods, alcohol, wheat, and pork. These foods can feed harmful organisms in the gut, cause inflammation, and be hard to break down.


Another food that can be very healing when fighting harmful organisms in your GI system is pumpkin seeds, as well as pumpkin seed oil. Pumpkin seeds support gastrointestinal health because they contain certain antioxidants and other protective compounds, such as tetracyclic triterpenes and cucurbitins, that can paralyze worms and make it difficult for them to survive in the intestinal walls. Eat up to one cup of pumpkin seeds a day — for example, by adding some to a smoothie in the morning and another half a cup in the afternoon, or you can make pumpkin seed butter, throwing this into something like a blender along with pumpkin seed oil that most health food stores should carry.


4. Restore & Rebalance Phase: "Realign your gut and rediscover vitality with the transformative rebalance phase."

After completing a parasite cleanse, it's important to restore healthy gut flora to prevent future overgrowth of harmful organisms. Taking a high-quality probiotic supplement can help populate the gut with beneficial bacteria that promote digestive health and support the immune system. Look for a probiotic that contains a variety of strains, including Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species. In addition to probiotics, fiber and digestive enzymes are an important component of a healthy diet that supports digestive health. Fiber helps promote regular bowel movements and feeds beneficial gut bacteria. Aim to consume a variety of fiber-rich foods, including vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. If you struggle to get enough fiber in your diet, consider taking a fiber supplement.

The goal of this phase is to restore balance to the gut microbiome and promote optimal digestive function using supplements like Zenwise Digestive Enzymes with ProbioticsDr. Formulated Probiotics, Physician's Choice Probiotics, Just Thrive Probiotic, Silver Fern Probiotic, Silver Fern Upper GI Relief, Thorne Research Berberine-500, and Dr. Formulated Probiotics. Just Thrive Probiotic and Silver Fern Probiotic are high-quality probiotic blends that can help balance the gut microbiome and promote optimal digestion. Similarly, Silver Fern Upper GI Relief can provide relief from upper gastrointestinal discomfort. 


5. Support Phase - "Sustaining Health: Maintain a Healthy Gut Environment to Prevent parasite Recurrence"

This is the final step in treating intestinal parasites is to maintain a healthy gut environment to prevent recurrence of the condition. This is achieved by following a healthy diet, regular exercise, and stress management techniques.

Go Slow - Follow the chart below and buy only 1 - 2 supplements each for - 

  1. Cleanse (Kill)

  2. Prokinetics/Colonics (Purge)

  3. Probiotics (Restore/Rebalance)

  4. Enzymes (Restore/Rebalance) 


For Kill

(Zahler or Intestinal Cleanse or Paratrex)


For Purge

(Iberogast or SunFiber)


For Rebalance/Restore

(Dr. Formulated Probiotics + Zenwise)


The KÓ§lbs Bed Wedge Pillow with Memory Foam Top  *******

he KÓ§lbs Bed Wedge Pillow with Memory Foam Top offers a practical and personalized solution for individuals seeking relief from acid reflux and gastritis symptoms. With its thoughtful design and features, it can make a noticeable difference in your comfort and overall experience.


Imagine resting on the KÓ§lbs Bed Wedge Pillow, gently elevated and supported by its gradual incline. As you settle in, you'll feel the soothing contouring effect of the memory foam top, providing a cozy and custom fit for your head, neck, and shoulders. It's like being cradled in a cloud of comfort, tailored specifically to your needs.


The elevated position of the pillow works wonders for acid reflux and gastritis. You'll notice a reduction in those troublesome episodes of acid reflux as the pillow keeps stomach acid from creeping up into your esophagus. The uncomfortable burning sensation and regurgitation become less frequent, allowing you to enjoy a peaceful night's sleep and wake up feeling refreshed.

Additionally, the relief provided for gastritis symptoms is remarkable. The pressure on your stomach is alleviated, providing a sense of calm and easing the abdominal pain and discomfort that often accompany gastritis. It's as if the pillow creates a gentle sanctuary where your stomach can heal and find solace.

The KÓ§lbs Bed Wedge Pillow is crafted with top-quality materials, ensuring durability and long-lasting support. Its removable cover adds convenience to your experience, allowing for easy cleaning and maintenance.

Bed Wedge Pillow With Memory Foam Top 7.5in - Bed Wedge Pillow With Memory Foam Top 7.5in 

With its 7.5-inch height, the wedge pillow provides a gradual incline that effectively elevates the upper body, including the head and chest. This elevated position plays a crucial role in preventing the backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus, reducing the frequency and severity of acid reflux episodes. By keeping the acid where it belongs, the pillow helps alleviate symptoms such as heartburn, regurgitation, and throat irritation, allowing you to enjoy a more peaceful and uninterrupted sleep.


The memory foam top layer of the pillow adds an extra dimension of comfort and support. It contours to the unique shape of your body, providing a customized fit for your head, neck, and shoulders. The memory foam responds to your body's heat, ensuring a snug and supportive cradle that helps relieve pressure points and promotes proper spinal alignment. This not only enhances your comfort during sleep but also minimizes muscle tension and soreness upon waking.

Crafted with high-quality materials, the Bed Wedge Pillow guarantees durability and long-lasting performance. The removable cover adds to its convenience, allowing for easy cleaning and maintenance, ensuring a fresh and hygienic sleep surface.

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Zahler's ParaGuard Cleanse Liquid Drops: The Busting Warrior [Kill Phase]

Zahler's ParaGuard Cleanse Liquid Drops are the perfect weapon to combat these invasive and harmful parasites. With a powerful formula that includes extracts of fennel seed, marshmallow root, black walnut hull, pumpkin seed, slippery elm bark, wormwood herb, clove bud, garlic bulb, oregano leaf oil, and peppermint leaf oil, this natural cleanse detox for humans is the key to reclaiming your gut health and restoring balance to your digestive system.

With every drop of ParaGuard Cleanse, you can feel the power of nature coursing through your veins, working to eradicate these harmful parasites and promoting optimal gut health. The certified kosher formula is a testament to the high-quality ingredients used in this product, ensuring that you are getting the very best in natural cleanse detox.

Say goodbye to the discomfort and disruption caused by intestinal parasites, and hello to a happier, healthier gut with Zahler's ParaGuard Cleanse Liquid Drops. The path to victory over these harmful invaders begins with a commitment to your gut health, and with ParaGuard Cleanse by your side, you can emerge victorious and reclaim the joy of living.

Intestinal Cleanse - All Natural Herbal Detox Formula- The potent Powerhouse [Kill Phase] ***

The full 10-day detox program is expertly formulated with natural ingredients like wormwood, cranberry, paul d'arco, goldenseal, garlic, black walnut hull, echinacea, and 10 other powerful herbs and botanicals including Papaya Fruit Powder, Pau D’Arco Bark Powder, Pumpkin Seed Powder, Wood Betony Powder (aerial parts & flowers), Butternut Bark Powder, Cloves Seed Powder, Wormwood Herb Powder, Oregon Grape Root Powder. Each ingredient is carefully chosen to support your body's natural detoxification processes and promote optimal digestive function.

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Gaia Herbs Wormwood Black Walnut Supreme 1 Fl Oz, Liquid Extract [Kill Phase]

Gaia Herbs Wormwood Black Walnut Supreme is a powerful liquid extract that contains a blend of natural ingredients that work together to support your digestive health. This formula includes organic wormwood aerial parts, black walnut green hulls, sweet wormwood aerial parts, clove buds, and olive leaf extract. These ingredients are carefully selected and expertly blended to help you rid your body of harmful toxins and support your overall well-being. With its convenient liquid form, you can easily add it to your daily routine and start experiencing the benefits of a healthy digestive system. Take a step towards a healthier, happier you with Gaia Herbs Wormwood Black Walnut Supreme.

BioMatrix Paracid-X Gut & Intestinal Cleanse [Kill Phase]

Crafted with a powerful blend of natural ingredients such as Wormwood, Black Walnut, Artemisinin, Olive Leaf, Berberine Supplement | 90 Veggie Caps and olive leaf, this gentle yet effective formula targets harmful parasites and bacteria in your gut, promoting healthy digestion and relieving discomfort. Whether you're looking to alleviate acute symptoms or seeking a long-term solution to intestinal issues, BioMatrix Paracid-X has you covered.


Global Healing Paratrex - Gut Health Cleansing & Intestinal Detox Organic Wormwood, Neem, Black Walnut and Diatomaceous Earth [Kill Phase]

The supplement contains a blend of organic herbs and diatomaceous earth, which are believed to help cleanse the digestive tract and eliminate harmful organisms such as parasites and toxins.

The key ingredients in Global Healing Paratrex include:

  • Organic wormwood: A plant extract that is believed to have anti-parasitic properties and can help support digestion.

  • Neem: A tree extract that is known for its antimicrobial properties and may help support the immune system.

  • Black walnut hull: A plant extract that contains juglone, which is believed to have anti-parasitic properties.

  • Diatomaceous earth: A naturally occurring substance that is composed of the fossilized remains of diatoms. It is believed to help absorb toxins and support digestive health.

Global Healing Paratrex is intended to be taken as a dietary supplement. The recommended dosage is two capsules twice daily with meals, for a total of four capsules per day. The supplement should be taken for a minimum of six weeks, and longer if necessary, to achieve optimal results.

REESE'S PINWORM Medicine - Full Prescription Strength [Kill Phase]

Reese's Pinworm Medicine Liquid is an over-the-counter medication used to treat pinworm infections. Pinworm infections are caused by Enterobius vermicularis, a type of parasitic worm that can live in the human intestine. Pinworms are commonly found in school-aged children and their family members.

The active ingredient in Reese's Pinworm Medicine Liquid is pyrantel pamoate, which works by paralyzing the pinworms and causing them to be expelled from the body through bowel movements. Pyrantel pamoate is safe and effective for treating pinworm infections, with few side effects.

Reese's Pinworm Medicine Liquid is available in a 2 oz. bottle and should be taken as directed on the label. The recommended dosage is based on body weight, and the medication is usually taken as a single dose, with a second dose taken two weeks later to ensure that all pinworms are eliminated.

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Lotrimin AF Ringworm Cream Clotrimazole [Kill Phase]

Lotrimin AF Ringworm Cream is an over-the-counter medication used to treat ringworm infections. The active ingredient, clotrimazole, is an antifungal medication that works by preventing the growth of fungi that cause ringworm. The cream should be applied to the affected area twice daily, and it is important to follow the instructions on the label and to continue using the cream for the full course of treatment.

​It is important to clean and dry the affected area before applying the cream, and to use the cream consistently for the full course of treatment, even if the symptoms improve. It is also recommended to continue using the cream for at least two weeks after the symptoms have disappeared, to ensure that the infection is fully treated.

Tomorrow's Nutrition, SunFiber, Soluble Prebiotic Fiber Support for Digestive Wellness with Guar Gum [Purge Phase] ***

Tomorrow's Nutrition SunFiber is a soluble prebiotic fiber supplement that supports digestive wellness. The supplement contains guar gum, which is a type of dietary fiber that is derived from the seeds of the guar plant. Guar gum is a water-soluble fiber that is commonly used as a food thickener and stabilizer.

Prebiotic fibers are non-digestible carbohydrates that are resistant to digestion in the small intestine and pass through to the large intestine.

In the large intestine, prebiotic fibers serve as food for beneficial bacteria, such as Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus, that naturally reside in the gut. These bacteria help to maintain a healthy digestive system and support overall health.

SunFiber is a soluble fiber that dissolves in water and forms a gel-like substance in the digestive tract. This gel-like substance helps to regulate digestion and promotes regularity. It also helps to maintain healthy blood sugar levels and supports weight management by promoting satiety and reducing the absorption of fat and calories.


Iberogast® 100 ml 3.4 oz
[Purge Phase]

Iberogast Liquid is a clinically proven prokinetic agent that helps improve motility in the digestive system. It is specifically designed for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and dyspepsia, and is available in a convenient 3.4 fl oz (100ml) size. This natural supplement has been shown to help relieve symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, and nausea, making it a popular choice for those seeking relief from digestive issues. With its powerful blend of herbal extracts and active ingredients, Iberogast Liquid is a safe and effective way to promote healthy digestion and improve gut motility.

Bloom Nutrition Super Greens Powder Smoothie & Juice Mix - Probiotics & Digestive Enzymes with Superfoods Spirulina & Chlorella for Gut Health [Purge/Restore/Rebalance Phase]

Bloom Nutrition Super Greens Powder Smoothie & Juice Mix is a dietary supplement that contains a blend of superfoods, probiotics, and digestive enzymes. It is designed to support digestive health and bloating relief for women. The supplement contains spirulina, chlorella, probiotics, and digestive enzymes, and is vegan-friendly, gluten-free, and does not contain any artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners. It is recommended to start with a small dosage and gradually increase to the recommended dosage over time to avoid side effects.

Digestive enzymes, such as amylase, protease, and lipase, help to break down food in the digestive tract and improve nutrient absorption. The supplement contains these digestive enzymes, which may help to reduce bloating and improve digestion.

Bloom Nutrition Super Greens Powder Smoothie & Juice Mix is intended to be mixed with water, juice, or added to smoothies, and can be consumed daily. The recommended dosage is one scoop per day, which can be gradually increased to two scoops per day if desired.

 It is recommended to start with a small dosage and gradually increase to the recommended dosage over time.

Physician's CHOICE Probiotics 60 Billion CFU - 10 Diverse Strains + Organic Prebiotic - Di

Physician's Choice Probiotics - The Digestive Optimizer [Rebalance/Restore Phase]

60 Billion CFU - 10 Diverse Strains + Organic Prebiotic - Digestive & Gut Health - Supports Occasional Constipation, Diarrhea, Gas & Bloating - Probiotics For Women & Men


Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus brevis, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium longum, Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus gasseri.


By nurturing a balanced gut microbiome, this extraordinary probiotic blend boosts the immune system function and fosters a harmonious environment for enhanced digestion.

Dr. Formulated Probiotics - The microbiome protector formulated by a top neurologist [Rebalance/Restore Phase] ***

Embracing a bold odyssey towards enhancing my health and well-being, I came across the exceptional Dr. Formulated Probiotics for Women & Prebiotics, 50 Billion CFU Supplement. This remarkable probiotic, featuring a unique blend of strains swiftly became a crucial part of my daily self-care ritual. The combination of these potent ingredients unleashed a myriad of outstanding benefits that revitalized my body and spirit.

Integrating this Probiotic Supplement into my daily life unlocked a cascade of phenomenal transformations. Bloating became a distant memory, my body efficiently absorbed nutrients, and my bowel movements became more regular. Moreover, my immune system flourished, rendering me less vulnerable to colds and flu.


Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium infantis, Bifidobacterium longum, Prebiotic Fiber Blend (Organic Acacia Fiber, Organic Potato Starch, Organic Whole Cranberry). 

Dr. Formulated Probiotics for Women & Prebiotics, 50 Billion CFU for Women’s Daily Digesti
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GI Revive Powder [Rebalance Phase]

Designs for health GI Revive Powder - The Digestive Healer GI Revive Powder is a dietary supplement that contains a unique blend of natural ingredients such as L-glutamine, N-acetyl glucosamine, aloe vera extract, slippery elm bark, and marshmallow root extract, which are known for their potential benefits for digestive health. These elements work together to provide relief from the distressing symptoms caused by H. pylori and promote the restoration and renewal of the damaged gastric lining. These elements synergistically offered a welcomed reprieve from the distressing symptoms I endured, including acid reflux, bloating, and persistent stomach cramps. GI Revive not only focused its attack on parasites/worms, but it also fostered the restoration and renewal of my damaged gastric lining. As I consistently incorporated this remarkable supplement into my routine, I witnessed the gradual retreat of my symptoms, and the promise of a life free from pain began to shine through.

Award - winning digestive and immune support *****
Spore-based probiotic

Bacillus indicus HU36™
Bacillus subtilis HU58™
Bacillus coagulans


20% off - 90 day Probiotic bottle, with promo code: PRO90

Just Thrive Probiotic [Rebalance Phase]


Silver Fern Probiotic

​Embracing a bold odyssey towards enhancing my health and well-being, I came across the exceptional Silver Fern Brand Ultimate Probiotic Supplement. This remarkable probiotic, featuring a unique blend of strains including Bacillus Coagulans, Bacillus Subtilis, Bacillus Clausii, and Saccharomyces Boulardii, swiftly became a crucial part of my daily self-care ritual. Integrating the Ultimate Probiotic Supplement into my daily life unlocked a cascade of phenomenal transformations. Bloating became a distant memory, my body efficiently absorbed nutrients, and my bowel movements became more regular. Moreover, my immune system flourished, rendering me less vulnerable to colds and flu.

Wedderspoon Manuka Honey [Restore Phase]

From the moment I tasted this delightful, rich honey, I knew I had found something truly special. Sourced directly from the pristine hives in New Zealand, Wedderspoon's Manuka Honey is not only delicious but also traceable, ensuring that I know exactly where my honey comes from.

Since incorporating Wedderspoon Raw Premium Manuka Honey into my life, I've noticed significant improvements in my overall well-being. With its natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, this Manuka honey has played a vital role in supporting my immune system, digestive health, and even skin care.

My personal journey with Wedderspoon Raw Premium Manuka Honey, KFactor 16 has been a transformative experience. By embracing this remarkable product, I have taken a significant step towards a healthier, more radiant life. I am excited to share my story and invite you to experience the wonders of this genuine New Zealand honey for yourself.


Thorne Research Berberine-500
(Kill Phase)

Thorne Berberine 1000 mg per Serving - Botanical Supplement - Support Heart Health, Immune System, Healthy GI, Cholesterol - Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free - 60 Capsules - 30 Servings


One of the reasons why berberine is used in Thorne Research Berberine-500 is its ability to inhibit the growth of H. pylori. Studies have shown that berberine can effectively inhibit the growth of H. pylori in vitro, and it has also been shown to be effective in treating H. pylori infections in humans.

Berberine works by disrupting the cell membrane of H. pylori, causing the bacteria to become more susceptible to antibiotics. This can help improve the effectiveness of antibiotic/supplement kill therapy for H. pylori infections.

In addition to its antimicrobial properties, berberine has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects, which can help reduce inflammation in the stomach lining caused by H. pylori infections.


Chlorophyll Liquid Drops – Energy Boost | Immune System Support | Internal Deodorant  (Repair/Restore Phase)

Chlorophyll has been studied for its potential health benefits and may have several advantages, including:

  1. Antioxidant properties: Chlorophyll has antioxidant properties that may help protect against damage caused by free radicals in the body.

  2. Body odor reduction: Chlorophyll may act as an internal deodorant and help reduce body odor.

  3. Potential cancer-fighting properties: Some studies have suggested that chlorophyll may have anti-cancer properties and may help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.

  4. Potential immune system support: Some studies have suggested that chlorophyll may help support the immune system and protect against infections.

  5. Wound healing: Some studies have suggested that chlorophyll may have wound-healing properties and may help reduce inflammation and promote tissue regeneration.


Lily Of The Desert Aloe Vera Herbal Stomach Formula, Soothe Heartburn and Indigestion
(Kill/Rebalance/Support Phase)

Lily of the Desert Aloe Vera Herbal Stomach Formula is a dietary supplement that contains a blend of aloe vera gel, peppermint, chamomile, slippery elm, and marshmallow root. Aloe vera is known for its ability to soothe and heal the digestive tract, while peppermint, chamomile, slippery elm, and marshmallow root have traditionally been used to relieve digestive discomfort, including heartburn and indigestion.

The formula is designed to support healthy digestion, soothe irritation and inflammation in the digestive tract, and promote a healthy gut environment. It is available in both liquid and capsule form, and can be taken as needed to relieve symptoms of heartburn and indigestion.


Typical dose is 2-8 ounces of aloe vera juice or gel per day, taken on an empty stomach or as directed by a healthcare provider.​Timing: Lily of the Desert Aloe Vera can be taken on its own or added to food or beverages. It is generally recommended to take it on an empty stomach, either in the morning or before bed.

Zenwise Probiotic Digestive Enzymes [Restore/Rebalance Phase] ***

Advanced Enzyme & Prebiotic System (Inulin, Glucoamylase, Amylase, Bromelain, Cellulase, Invertase, Lactase, Bacterial Protease, Papain, Lipase, Maltase [Aspergillus niger]), Papaya Fruit Powder, Apple Pectin, Ginger Root Powder, Sea Vegetable Complex (Nori, Wakame, Bladderwrack Extract), Fennel Seed Powder, Turmeric Root Powder, Peppermint Leaf Extract, Probiotic Blend (Bacillus subtilis DE111, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium animalis lactis, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus salivarius, Bifidobacterium breve)


1-2 capsules per day, taken with or without food.

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